User Guide
The Clikt Testkit provides an extension function to CliktCommand
, that executes the command and allows you to test its behavior.
This guide explains how to write assertions on the outputs and inputs of a CliktCommand, as well as how to configure, how the command is executed.
Inputs and Outputs
The Clikt Testkit allows you to assert standard and error outputs, as well as to answer prompts from a CliktCommand
class Greeter : CliktCommand() {
override fun run() {
val name = terminal.prompt("Enter your name")
echo("Hello $name!")
echo("I failed successfully!", err = true)
throw ProgramResult(-42)
Greeter().test(expectedExitCode = -42) {
expectOutput("Enter your name: ")
expectOutput("Hello Tester!")
expectErrorOutput("I failed successfully!")
If you want to test only the first few outputs of your test, you can ignore the rest of them by calling ignoreOutputs()
in your test code:
class TestCommand : CliktCommand() {
override fun run() {
echo("Output 1")
echo("Output 2")
echo("Output 3")
// This test will succeed:
TestCommand().test {
expectOutput("Output 1")
Command Options
Providing command line arguments
To provide command line arguments to the tested command, you can supply them to the test()
class Greet : CliktCommand() {
val name by argument()
val count by option().int().default(1)
override fun run() {
repeat(count) {
echo("Hello $name!")
Greet().test("--count", "3", "Tester") {
expectOutput("Hello Tester!")
expectOutput("Hello Tester!")
expectOutput("Hello Tester!")
Providing environment variables
Clikt allows reading values from environment variables.
You can provide those for testing, by setting the respective parameter of the test()
class Greet : CliktCommand() {
val name by option(envvar = "GREETER_NAME").required()
override fun run() {
echo("Hello $name!")
environmentVariables = mapOf(
"GREETER_NAME" to "Tester"
) {
expectOutput("Hello Tester!")
This feature is implemented by setting the envvarReader
in the context
of the CliktCommand you test.
Consequently, providing test environment variables will not work, if a subcommand of the tested command overwrites this field.